Filmmaker Passes - 38th BFI Flare: London LGBTQIA+ Film Festival

We offer a select number of complimentary passes for the core creative team of films screening in the festival. 

In line with the BFI’s Sustainability Pledge, all BFI Flare Delegates will only be issued a downloadable PDF Badge.

Please note that we cannot guarantee entry to any screening or event as outlined in the terms and conditions. Delegate rush queue tickets are subject to limited availability and priority is given to general sale for the public programme. We advise booking in advance to guarantee entry.

Please note if you are completing this form for someone else, enter their details not yours.
Participation in BFI Flare involves full acceptance of all Terms and Conditions. Any violation of these will result in the immediate withdrawal of the accreditation pass. Any violation of these will result in the immediate withdrawal of the accreditation pass.
BFI Flare: London LGBTQIA+ Film Festival: terms and conditions

Important policy information for festival delegates.

By applying for accreditation, you are confirming that you meet the eligibility to be accredited as a filmmaker.. The submission, registration or payment of an application does not guarantee accreditation.

The BFI reserves the right, at any time, to withdraw your accreditation should you not provide enough evidence to confirm eligibility. You agree to submit your data on the registration form to the BFI, who will use this information to provide the products and services requested.

By submitting your registration form and attending the festival, you agree to abide by the BFI Flare: London LGBTQIA+ Film Festival terms and conditions, and Code of Conduct, detailed below.

Persons under 18 years old are not eligible for accreditation.

Filmmaker Pass
Each unique festival badge including QR code, is issued to a specific person and therefore is non-transferable.

BFI Flare: London LGBTQIA+ Film Festival reserves the right to refuse entry if any copies or imitations of accreditation festival badges are in circulation and a holder of a copy or imitation of the accreditation festival badge has already been granted entry.

Any theft or loss of an accredited festival badge should be reported to the guest services team. The issuing of a new badge will only be as a PDF file.
BFI Flare: London LGBTQIA+ Film Festival reserves the right to refuse a replacement.

Issuing and collection
Your accredited festival badge will be sent to you via email before Wednesday 13 March 2024 and will remain on your personal delegate page until 24 March 2023.

In line with the BFI’s Sustainability Pledge, your badge can be downloaded onto your phone as a PDF file once you have been registered for accreditation and after 13 March 2023. We encourage all delegates to use a PDF badge this years.

Screenings and events
There is no guarantee that your filmmaker pass will obtain entry to any screenings or events during the entirety of the BFI Flare: London LGBTQIA+ Film Festival.

The accredited festival badge must be shown for inspection at the guest ticket counter or at the entrance to events. Badges may be scanned in order to validate entry.

World premieres
All delegates agree that they will not publish reviews of or any comments on films receiving their world premieres at the BFI Flare: London LGBTQIA+ Film Festival until after the first official public festival screening. This applies to any form of review or comments, including brief impressions or quotes on social media (Twitter, Facebook, blogs, etc.).

Copyright materials
Any person applying for accreditation guarantees that any submitted materials, including the photos submitted within the accreditation process, are free of copyright and may be used for the BFI Flare: London LGBTQIA+ Film Festival badge and, if applicable, the delegate directory. Through completing registration and submitting material, the applicant releases the BFI from any claims by applicant or copyright holders regarding the use of any submitted material. The BFI London Film Festival reserves the right to refuse accreditation which makes unauthorised use of copyrighted material at any point.

Data protection and publication of information
We will use the information, including personal information, submitted via your registration form to process your application for accreditation with the BFI Flare: London LGBTQIA+ Film Festival. Such information will be stored securely and only used for the fulfilment of your accreditation. It will be retained after your accreditation only to enable the BFI to invite you for accreditation next year and for the BFI to analyse who attends each year, except where you have specifically consented to other uses. Find out more about the BFI Privacy Policy.

Your name, company name and your viewing information of press screenings may be shared with the film rights holders, as per the consent outlined on your form. This information will be made available to the film rights holder of the press screening(s) you attend only. Your phone numbers, email addresses and postal address will not be shared.

BFI will not give or sell your information to third parties for marketing purposes.

A request to revoke consent may be submitted at any time by contacting your designated guest contact or
You have the right to access information held about you and can request to view such information by writing to the festivals office, BFI Southbank, Belvedere Road, London SE1 8XT. Tel +44 020 7815 1305.

Festival anti-piracy policy
Unauthorised streaming or recording is prohibited. Cameras are not permitted in venue screenings and recording sound, taking pictures or filming will result in immediate expulsion. You are not permitted to post or publish screenshots or photos of virtual screeners on social media or anywhere online.

Advanced security measures such as forensic and visible watermarking are in place to prevent and track piracy for online screenings, and if caught legal action will be pursued and delegate access will be permanently revoked.

If the BFI Flare: London LGBTQIA+ Film Festival authorises any photographer or filmmaker to record during a public screening or event, BFI Flare: London LGBTQIA+ Film Festival attendees consent to the possible inclusion of their image and sound recording and permit use of these for publicity purposes without any claim to remuneration.

Code of conduct
We are committed to providing an environment that is as welcoming and accessible as possible, and inclusive for all festival guests and attendees, team members and volunteers.

The LGBTQIA+ community have had to fight for the space to live openly and be visible in our society and BFI Flare has been created to not only showcase the best in LGBTQIA+ film from many perspectives, but to also provide a safe space in which communities can celebrate themselves and each other.

BFI Flare: London LGBTQIA+ Film Festival does not tolerate harassment or harmful behaviour in any form.

The BFI are co-founders alongside BAFTA of the Guidance and Principles which seek to professionalise behaviour and conduct within the screen industries. By attending BFI Flare: London LGBTQIA+ Film Festival, you agree to abide by our set of principles to tackle and prevent bullying, harassment and racism in the screen industries.
Harassment can include, but is not limited to:
· abusive comments and insults
· prejudice (e.g., related to gender identity and expression, sexuality, age, race, religion, belief, disability, or socio-economic background)
· deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following
· unwelcome touching or sexual attention
· invasions of private space and personal boundaries
· violence or aggression
· harassing photography or recording
· sustained disruption of talks or other events
· advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behaviour

If behaviour falls short of our code of conduct:

Anyone violating these policies will be asked to stop and are expected to comply immediately, and at the discretion of the organisers or any of their representatives may be expelled from the event (without refund), and be ineligible to attend any future screenings or in future years.

We encourage all attendees to be active bystanders.

During the festival, if you are made to feel unsafe or unwelcome, notice someone else being harassed, or have any other concerns, you can tell a member of our staff, volunteer, or security teams. They will help, or find someone who can. Every event will have a BFI Flare: London LGBTQIA+ Film Festival representative in attendance. Our team can be identified by their badges or t-shirts.

If you tell us about an incident, your immediate safety will be our first priority. We will listen from a position of belief, and keep what you say in confidence until and if agreed otherwise, and can recommend relevant support agencies and services. If you prefer to get in touch in writing, please email or your designated guest contact.

If you experience behaviour that is of concern to you during the festival, these are also some of the other options available to you:

London Metropolitan Police

Call 101 or if an emergency 999
You can report hate crime online via the Metropolitan Police website, but you can also report hate crime to other agencies if you prefer.

Switchboard LGBT Helpline

Helpline: 0300 330 0630
Hours: 10am to 10pm everyday
Switchboard is an LGBTQIA+ specific helpline that exists as a safe space for anyone to discuss anything, including sexuality, gender identity, sexual health and emotional well-being. Switchboard supports people to explore the right options for themselves. We aspire to a society where all LGBT+ people are informed and empowered.

Stop Hate UK

Helpline: 0800 138 1625 Hours: 24 hours a day
Stop Hate UK offer independent and confidential hate crime reporting services in commissioned areas around the UK, whether you are a victim of hate crime, you have witnessed an incident you believe to be a hate crime or you are a third party to an incident that could be a hate crime. There are a range of ways to report hate crime, either online, by text or by post.

LGBT Foundation

Helpline: 0345 330 3030 Hours: 9am to 9pm
An organisation that specialises in support for the LGBTQIA+ community, prioritising trans and non-binary people, bisexual people, women and over 50s who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community.


LGBT Hate Crime Helpline: 020 7704 2040 Hours: 10am to 4pm
National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans+ Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0800 999 5428 Hours: Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm, Wednesday to Thursday 10am to 8pm
Galop has provided advice, support, research and lobbying around the issues of LGBT+ policing for over 30 years. It now functions as a charity with a wealth of experience and support around LGBTQIA+ specific hate crime, domestic violence and sexual assault. If there is a risk associated with you seeking help, please feel free to reach out to one of our guardians in the event, or if that isn’t possible, please email Galop directly at the following email address:
If it’s an emergency please contact the police on 999.

Albert Kennedy Trust

London Helpline: 020 7831 6562 (other contact numbers available at  Hours: 10am to 4:30pm
The Albert Kennedy Trust supports LGBTQ+ young people aged 16 to 25 in the UK who are facing or experiencing homelessness or living in a hostile environment by guiding young people into safe homes and employment, education or training, in a welcoming and open environment that celebrates LGBTQ+ identities.

Stonewall/ Stonewall Housing

Helpline: 0800 050 2020 Hours: 9:30am to 4:30pm
Stonewall is an organisation with a long history of giving advice on a range of different LGBTQIA+ specific issues, including LGBTQIA+ homelessness.

National Rape Crisis

Helpline: 0808 802 9999 Hours: 12 to 2:30pm and 7 to 9:30pm every day of the year
The Helpline can provide support and information about local Rape Crisis services and is accessible 365 days a year to women who have survived any form of sexual violence, no matter how long ago. We offer specialised, confidential support, information and referral details completely free of charge. The helpline is also available to provide an immediate source of support to friends and family of survivors, as well as other professionals, to help them understand how best to support female survivors of sexual violence.